My last post was back in the fall and focused on trying to be more active in the hobby after a long hiatus. I'm happy to say that I have managed to do just that, though I haven't succeeded in documenting any of my dolling online. Given my very limited energy, I have prioritized doing things over sharing them. This is better than nothing, but not ideal. I do hope to do a little better in the future-- after all, sharing is a huge part of any creative endeavour.
Now, before I hazard resolutions for this year, I thought I would go over my goals for 2014 and see how I fared.
Last Year's BJD Resolutions
By far the soonest accomplished of all my 2014 goals.
The picture at the top of this post is from my first photoshoot with that ensemble. Even if the outfit has flaws, I consider finishing it one of my biggest triumphs of the entire year.
-To finish sewing and then to photograph a Frozen cosplay for Aurora.
I think seeing so many beautiful Frozen cosplays discouraged me because I knew I'd never be able to make something as good. I also underwent some sewing trauma with Elena's OUAT outfit, which definitely slowed down all my sewing projects.
-To complete the photography and editing of another Edgar Allan Poe adaptation. This one is a collaboration :0)
As I told one of my friends, I this project is becoming my Apocalypse Now. It's still not finished. The Horror... The Horror...
Her mods are not yet finished, but progress has been made & will continue.
-Possibly to update Marlowe's face-up.
I forgot about this resolution.
-Possibly to find new eyes for Eric and Aurora.
I also forgot about this resolution. >.<
-Possibly to lessen the dire infrequency with which my dA account is updated.
Given the trouble I had with updating this blog, trying to update my dA account more seems absurdly ambitious. Don't get me wrong, it's a nice thought & I would still like to.
-Possibly to re-string Madeline, though the task is a dreadful one.
Nope. Mind you, this was never exactly high on the priority list.
-To take steps (for life in general) toward treating my condition as a chronic un-finisher.
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BJD Resolutions for 2015
-To update my blog more often.
-To finish my Poe adaptation.
-To share my Ever After High repaints.
-To finish the Ever After High repaints that I haven't finished.
-To post the guest photostory that I want to share here.
-To continue with the progress on Elena's modifications.
-To (try to) fix the miniature teapot that broke tragically when I tried to move it.
-If not a Frozen cosplay, I would still like to make Aurora some kind of ethereal ice princess dress.
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Lolita Fashion Resolutions 2015
What's this?! Do I honestly expect to do all those BJD-related things and attempt to exert myself in a tangent hobby? Well, I'd like to try.
-Take more and better pictures of my coords.
-Make a cape with my own two hands. It's not as though capes are particularly hard.
-Possibly attempt making my own print. I designed one in the summer, and with a little tweaking, I think it could be a half decent gothic thing.
-Learn how to tie a bow that doesn't appear drunk.
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