Hello dear and lovely readers,
as a few people may have noticed, I've been away for most of the Spring and all of the Summer. The reason for the unannounced hiatus is neither uplifting, nor particularly interesting, but I thought that a reasonable first step in moving forward might be to talk about it.
First of all, for the last two years, I've been struggling with the effects of a chronic illness and depression. These conditions have been trying, but BJDs were always a light in the dark for me. Even though I did not have the energy to do as much with them as I used to, I always had plans, hopes, and found continual inspiration in the local and online community.
All of this came to halt in May. I was working on an outfit for Elena, when her hand caught in the sleeve and snapped at the wrist joint. Since she's in the process of being modded, I have materials that will probably fix the break. But after this accident, I fell into a very bad slump. For months, I avoided DoA, avoided my other BJDs, and paused all my BJD projects.
Sometimes, I took Elena out of her box to look at her broken hand and half finished mods. Before I could start work again, I would always succumb to fear and sloth. Even the thought of taking out my other dolls made me feel irrationally overwhelmed. With a hobby like BJDs, one can Always say, with perfect justification, that there are more important things to spend one's limited amounts of energy on.
True as this may be, I intend to start blogging and creating again. My projects might need to be scaled down, or broken into smaller, less daunting pieces. I might even share some Ever After High and lolita things too, if it helps shake off my creative stupor. My general goal is to produce creatively, and my specific goal is to resume enjoying BJDs.
Please wish me luck :0)
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