
BJD Resolutions for 2014

Hello dear readers,  I thought that today I might share some of my bjd-related goals and resolutions for the new year.  They are, in no particular order, as follows:

-To edit and post the photoshoot from which the above image is derived.

-To conclude a Once Upon A Time-inspired outfit for Elena.  Progress has been shockingly slow, but the end is (sort of) in sight.

-To finish sewing and then to photograph a Frozen cosplay for Aurora.

-To complete the photography and editing of another Edgar Allan Poe adaptation.  This one is a collaboration :0)

-To continue modding Elena.  I have been quiet about this project because I am not yet convinced it will be successful.

-Possibly to update Marlowe's face-up.

-Possibly to find new eyes for Eric and Aurora.

-Possibly to lessen the dire infrequency with which my dA account is updated.

-Possibly to re-string Madeline, though the task is a dreadful one.

-To take steps (for life in general) toward treating my condition as a chronic un-finisher.

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