It was the night before Christmas.
Madeline and Aurora were sitting by the tree, enjoying the lights and presents.
Aurora: Do you hear something?
Madeline: Wait, yes, a strange rustling.
Rustle. Rustle. Rustle.
The mysterious sound grew louder.
And then suddenly, a noble nutcracker appeared.
He wore a red and gold jacket, and tall black boots.
The Nutcracker: Good evening, ladies.
Have you perchance seen my nemesis?
He is called the Mouse King,
and no one could be more dreadful.
Madeline: I can't recall seeing anyone like that.
Aurora: Nor can I.
But then, just as the ladies answered the noble nutcracker...
They heard more rustling...
And the Dreadful Mouse King appeared!!!
The Mouse King: Bonsoir, everyone!
The Nutcracker: So we meet again.
Never fear, ladies, I will protect you from the dreadful mouse King!
Aurora: He doesn't seem so dreadful to me.
Madeline: Mr. Mouse King, are you really French?
The Mouse King: Mais oui, mademoiselle! Yet I am trying to learn the English.
Perhaps you would be kind to help me practice?
At this friendly reply, the two ladies jumped out of their seats to admire their visitor.
Aurora: Look at his handsome whiskers!
Madeline: I think it is wonderful that he is French!
The Mouse King: Oh, ladies, how kind you are.
The Nutcracker: Confound you, Mouse King. You do this to me every year!
Humph. Humph. Humph.
Mouse King: Now, Sir, I am sorry. One should not be bitter at the Christmas.
I wish you very well and good cheer.
But the poor nutcracker went away in extreme annoyance.
He was lucky, however, for the noise had woken Elena.
And since Elena was no stranger to jealously,
she listened to the nutcracker's tale with great sympathy.
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The End
And Happy Holidays! :-D
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